Accessibility improves usability and one way accessibility is going to help everyone is with the discontinuing of insufficient color contrast to for marketers to achieve the action they want.
So on the screen I have this pop-up from a WordPress plugin and it asked for feedback and then you can enter the different feedback and then submit that back but what they don’t show you, what they try to hide from you is that in the bottom right corner there is a skip and deactivate option.
But they don’t want you to skip so the way they try to dissuade you skipping or being unable to skip this feedback is; they use insufficient color contrast to to hide the fact.
And this is a very prime example because the color contrast is extremely low for this skip and deactivate link.
So where they have this gray text for the skipping the activate light gray, they have a bold button with sufficient color contrast for you to submit and deactivate.
So they don’t want you to skip the feedback, but that is not up to them – that is not their option.
That is not how you achieve what you want through marketing. You cannot hide something through color contrast.
And this has been prevalent for quite some time and in this next example I have an e-mail and in the e-mail on the bottom there is an unsubscribe link but the entire bottom of this e-mail has poor color contrast and, in fact, it does not meet the threshold the 4.5:1 threshold from the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
So this e-mail actually isn’t the worst of examples but it was a quick one I could find.
So the point of this video is 1) you can improve everyone’s experience by making by incorporating accessibility within 2) do not try to dissuade people or hide options by making them inaccessible.
You must make your website accessible, there is there is no option to that.